Born in 1988, Chloe Mugler is a French painter based in Fougeres, France.

Her work tries to capture sparks of joy in the everyday life : children playing in the sand, movement of the wind in the grass, drops of rain on the garden flowers...

Keeping in mind that every minute spent alive is a chance, she wants to cherish these moments and keep them forever on the canva as a reminder of how beautiful life can be.


Paris, Salon d'Automne | 2024
Rennes, Orangerie du Thabor
| 2024
Rennes, Halle de la Courrouze - Art en scène
| 2024
Paris, Art Capital - Salon des Indépendants
| 2024

Rennes, Palpite - Les chercheuses d'or
| 2023
Rennes, Halles Martenot - Le petit marché de l'Art
| 2023
Paris, Atelier René - Poésies chromatiques
| 2023